Thursday, April 3, 2008

Homecoming, by Kitty

Early in her  professional career, Mama M and her apartment mate, Mama C, adopted an adult cat from the Richmond Humane Society. He was a beautiful, sleek, long gray male with short hair that was tipped with silver. They named him Spooky, with Richmond reminding them of the Gray Ghost of the Civil War (or Late Unpleasantness, if you wish).

Spooky was Mama C's cat most of the time, particularly during the night, when he would sleep on her bed. But Mama M was the earlier riser, and every morning when she would awaken, Spooky would be sitting on the floor beside her bed. He would follow her into the bathroom and wait for her to use the facilities. Then he would stretch his paws up as high as he could for Mama M to reach down, pick him up, and carry him into the kitchen for his breakfast. This routine continued for four years, until Mama M left Richmond to go away to graduate school.

Lo and behold, when Mama M returned for summer break and again when she returned after graduating to work again in Richmond, both times to different apartments, Spooky greeted her each morning with upraised paws as though she had never been away. What a delightful homecoming present!

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